Apologies once again that I extended the last prompt about Clothing. This was mainly to help with the link up to Kink of the week (Socks). Thank you to Molly, Lily and Innocent Loverly who along with me linked up. Click here to find all the posts.
To catch up I’ll keep this prompt live till Friday night rather than Thursday midday.
Welcome to Five Things #12 – Vices
Five Things is a weekly meme which asks contributors to share Five things about a topic. It is open to both bloggers and anyone with a Twitter account, because you can tweet 5 things really easily! All I would ask is that you read up on the rules / how to join in section before jumping in. Otherwise bloggers, just write a blog post, grab the badge and off you go. Don’t forget to link up below.
Tweeters can either use the hashtag #FiveThings or else link up to the pinned tweet on my twitter page – @mpbjulie
5 words, 5 sentences or a whole blog post are all fine.
I hope you will enjoy participating and will visit each others posts and tweets and leave comments where you can. Most of all have fun!

I’m pretty sure that many virtues can be vices too. Plus, within the sex blogging and kink community many of the best things we get up to are thought of as vices by others.
- What do you think is your best vice?
- What is your worse vce, maybe something you’d like to give up or stop?
- Who do you get up to mischief with, or who would you like to?
- Is there something you haven’t done that you’d like to do?
- Do you keep your vices secret or do others know? Maybe like me you write about them.
The link up opens today (Sunday 24 April) at midday and closes at midnight on Friday night (29 April). Hopefully after that I’ll have caught up.